Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Northumbrian

These eggs still have a feather from the chicken on them.
Dad called this omelette The Northumbrian because all the
ingredients come from this area of England. I used Cumberland
sausages, goat cheese, eggs, and a mix of watercress, baby spinach,
and rocket (or arugula).
Cutting the sausages was very hard because the sausages were
thick and I used a sharp knife.
Flipping the omelette is kind of easy.
This is the omelette, already flipped in the pan.
Mommy made toast to go with our omelettes because one
omelette for breakfast isn't enough and I'm always still hungry.
This is us being goofy and eating our omelettes.


  1. A sharp knife! You are a big boy now.

    I am glad Dad didn't name this one Chicken Feather Omelette. It just doesn't sound as appetizing.

  2. pink overalls- u r so funny!!

    merrit- that omelette made my mouth water!! i can't wait to show linc and jami, maybe it will inspire them to eat more veggies (and to cook, too!)

    love you!
